Native Women’s Leadership supports Native young women, women, and elder leaders interested in serving on boards and committees and looking for job opportunities
Native Women’s Leadership supports Native young women and women leaders from Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino Counties interested in serving on boards and committees and looking for job opportunities.
- To become a member, create an account here (link to https://native-womens-leadership-d4a217.ingress-daribow.ewp.live/register/) .
- Is your company or organization is looking to fill a board or committee opening?
- Step 1: Complete this questionnaire about your board or committee needs and we will search in our database for suitable candidates for your company or organization.
- Step 2: To add your Board or Committee posting on our website send the description using this Word template document to NWL at nativewomensleadership@cimcc.org or nwl@cimcc.org.
- Step 3: Pay or Donation Fee? (I need to ask Committee about this)
- Please note the board/committee location and company website above the job title. Listings remain on the site for 90 days. NWL offers this service to benefit the ongoing website updates. The suggested donation is $25 per post.
- Is your company or organization looking to fill a job opening?
- Step 1: Complete this questionnaire about your job needs and we will search in our database for suitable candidates for your company or organization.
- Step 2: To add your job posting on our website send the description using this Word template document to NWL at nativewomensleadership@cimcc.org or nwl@cimcc.org
- Step 3: Payment or Donation
- Please note the job location and company website above the job title. Listings remain on the site for 90 days. NWL offers this service to benefit the ongoing website updates. The suggested donation is $25 per post.